what are the 34 symptoms of menopause

If you’re reading this, you’re likely aware that menopause is the stage of a woman’s life during which she no longer has menstrual cycles. However, did you know that there are 34 menopause symptoms a woman can experience besides hot flashes and night sweats? This article explores unusual menopause symptoms such as osteoporosis. We’ll also feature the most prevalent (and not so common) signs of perimenopause.
That being said, if you are searching for a reliable professional for expert guidance and the best treatment, consult an appointment with Dr. Francisco Jimenez. Before any form of self-diagnosis, it’s best to reach out for expert help.
So what are the 34 symptoms of menopause and what are the signs of perimenopause to look out for?
Without further ado, here are the top 34 menopause symptoms to keep in mind.
1. Night Sweats
Night sweats are one of the most common menopause symptoms. They occur as a result of hot flashes during the night. Researchers still don’t know the exact reason why they happen, but they assume that it is because of decreased estrogen levels. These falling hormone levels may have an effect on the hypothalamus, a region in the brain responsible for body temperature regulation.
2. Hot flashes
Many women in menopause experience hot flashes. This symptom can make you sweat heavily. Moreover, you can feel hot and look flushed, especially in the chest, neck, and face. In some cases, women in menopause and perimenopause can experience chills.
3. Mood swings
Out of all the 34 menopause symptoms, mood swings can be some of the most annoying. Due to changes in hormone levels, women in menopause and perimenopause can experience unpredictable mood shifts unrelated to life events. For instance, they can suddenly feel angry, weepy, or sad.
4. Irregular Menstrual Cycle
A common sign of perimenopause, the transitional phase before a woman enters menopause, is having irregular periods. Occasionally, a woman may have multiple missed periods until she stops having them entirely.
Unfortunately, many women don’t have a support system during this drastic life change. If you are looking for reliable menopause care, don’t hesitate to contact our professional team.
5. Decreased Libido
Menopause and perimenopause can affect the desire for sex or the Libido. This happens because of lower estrogen and testosterone levels and the shifts in mood. In addition, some women experience low libido levels due to menopause medication.
6. Breast Soreness
Some women experience sore breasts during menopause, while others don’t. Typically, the frequency of the soreness decreases in the later stages of menopause.
7. Vaginal Dryness
One of the more unusual menopause symptoms is lack of natural lubrication. As a woman’s hormones drop, blood flow may decrease too. Unfortunately, this symptom can make penetrative intercourse difficult and painful.
8. Tingling Hands and Feet
Another one of the more unusual menopause symptoms is tingling extremities, most commonly in the hands and the feet. However, some women also feel this sensation in the arms and the legs. Since the hormones are constantly fluctuating, this affects the central nervous system.
9. Headaches
One of the most annoying signs of perimenopause is experiencing frequent migraines or headaches (due to a lower estrogen).
10. Changes in Sense of Taste
When it comes to answering “what are the 34 symptoms of menopause”, few expect a change in taste to be one of the side effects of this life stage. More precisely, some women experience stronger flavors, along with a dry mouth.
11. Burning Sensation in the Mouth
Another unusual menopause symptom is experiencing a burning, tingling, or numbing sensation in or around your mouth.
12. Bloating
Bloating happens due to a few reasons including gassiness, water retention, and slower digestion due to stress.
13. Fatigue
While looking for answers for “what are the 34 symptoms of menopause”, we couldn’t leave out fatigue. Why? Because it’s common and typically overlooked. One of the biggest reasons for fatigue is low sleep quality due to night sweats and hot flashes that keep you from resting.
14. Joint Pain
Since estrogen assists in joint lubrication and decreasing inflammation, you may experience aches in the joints.
15. Different Digestive Changes
A lot of unusual menopause symptoms are linked to the gut. For instance, women in menopause and perimenopause can experience a “weird” reaction to certain foods and changes in digestion.
16. Sensations of Electric Shock
One of the more worrisome signs of perimenopause involves experiencing sensations that feel like electric shocks. Researchers believe this happens due to changes in hormones that affect the nervous system.
17. Muscle Aches and Tension
Women may experience these unusual menopause symptoms due to the same reasons they can experience joint pain.
18. Sleep Issues
Night sweats and hot flashes can keep you awake, resulting in poor sleep.
19. Itchiness
Estrogen is linked to collagen production, and it also hydrates your skin. So, its decline can affect dryness and itchiness, around your vulva or elsewhere on your body.
20. Memory Problems
Compromised sleep and low estrogen levels can affect your memory.
21. Concentration Challenges
Signs of perimenopause also include having a sudden lack of focus. You may experience mental fogginess and trouble concentrating.
22. Brittle Nails
A woman’s body in menopause produces less keratin, the substance needed for strong nails.
23. Thinning Hair
You may experience hair thinning or even hair loss due to changes in ovarian hormones.
24. Sudden Urge to Urinate
Women in perimenopause and menopause may experience stress incontinence or frequent/sudden urges to pee. During menopause, a woman’s pelvic and bladder muscles may become weaker.
25. Weight Gain
Some women may gain weight due to lower estrogen levels and decreased physical activity levels. In addition, if you experience mood changes, your eating patterns can shift too. However, if you maintain a balanced diet and exercise often, you will likely not gain weight.
26. Allergies
One of the rarer menopause symptoms is experiencing new or worsening symptoms of allergies. The reason being is that women in menopause can have histamine spikes (the chemical responsible for allergic reactions).
27. Occasional Dizziness
Fluctuating hormones can influence insulin production, making it more challenging for a woman’s body to maintain proper blood sugar levels.
28. Irregular Heartbeat
Women in menopause may also experience arrhythmia. Out of all unusual menopause symptoms, we recommend you take this irregular heartbeat the most seriously. Namely, this could also be a symptom of diabetes, high blood pressure, and blocked arteries.
29. DepressionHormonal changes can trigger depression.
30. Irritability
Lack of sleep and stress can lead to mood shifts.
31. Boosted Body Odor
Due to night sweats and hot flashes, your body odor may change.
32. Panic Disorder
In rare cases, women in menopause can experience frequent panic attacks. However, this symptom can also indicate panic or anxiety disorder.
33. Anxiety
Similar to other mood-related symptoms, changes in hormones can boost anxiety.
34. Osteoporosis
A plunge in estrogen can lead to bone density loss. Your bones can become fragile and easier to break.